Functional Blood Chemistry Lab Analysis
This service involves a comprehensive analysis of your blood chemistry, including a review of standard blood markers as well as functional ranges. We use this information to assess your overall health and identify any imbalances or deficiencies that may be contributing to health issues. By understanding the root causes of your health concerns, we can develop a personalized treatment plan to address them. The benefits of functional blood chemistry analysis include improved energy levels, better immune function, improved digestion, and overall better health and well-being. With this service, we can help you achieve optimal health by addressing any imbalances in your blood chemistry and creating a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
You've gained weight.
You joints hurt.
Your hair is falling out.
You're fatigued.
Your digestion is off.
You have chronic headaches.
You've become moody and irritable.
You can't sleep.
Your skin is dry.
You have tinnitus or vertigo.
You have a host of other symptoms.
And yet…. you're told "Good news! Your labs are normal!".
Here's why!
The ranges provided as normal on your labs reflect broad reference ranges that are calculated based on average values found within a sample population. This means that "normal" represents 95% of the referenced sample, with only 5% falling outside the upper and lower limits.
Now ask yourself this… who has labs taken? Typically, it's people who don't feel their best, not people that feel amazing. What does this mean for you? Your results are compared to others who are potentially "sick". Unless you are in the 5% considered out of the normal range, you will be told everything looks great!
You know better.
The ranges used in FBCA are associated with OPTIMAL health and well-being, not states of pathology. This provides insight into suboptimal and sub-clinical imbalances allowing for earlier interventions including diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and detoxification - all on an individual basis. These ranges are much tighter that the standard lab ranges.
Simply put, we find answers in those "normal" labs so that YOU can find hope and healing. It is possible to reverse whatever it is that ails you. You just need the someone to assist you in finding those answers so that YOU can take the necessary steps to heal!
FBCA analyzes over 120+ individual bio-markers. These bio-makers provide significant insight into the health of different systems throughout the body including:
Blood Sugar Regulation
Risk for Blood Clots
Hormone Balance
Thyroid Function
PH Balance
Metabolic Health
Cardiovascular System
G.I Function
Hydration Status
Pathogens (Virus, bacteria, parasites)
Immune Response
Mineral and Vitamin Status
Kidney and Liver Function
Electrolyte Balance
Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about the process and what is uncovered with Functional Blood Chemistry Lab Analysis.